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How Is Temporary Total Disability (TTD) Calculated in Iowa?

Writer's picture: Tom FowlerTom Fowler

People are often okay with the weekly payments they get from an insurance company after sustaining an injury. However, most don't fully understand how this affects their claims. They have no idea how the payment is calculated or the objective of the money already received.

It's critical to comprehend the reasoning behind the weekly pay in any Iowa workers' compensation case. Temporary disability payments and permanent disability benefits are given to injured workers in Iowa at this rate of weekly benefits.

The underpayment of weekly benefit checks by insurance companies seriously impairs a victim's ability to make ends meet and pay their obligations.

An injured worker's weekly rate, as a starting point, is roughly 80% of their average weekly after-tax income or about 60% of their gross. Although the exact amount varies, this general idea is the basis of determining the Iowa Division of Workers' Compensation. Also, learn more about what DWC means.

Workers’ Comp During The Healing Period

Workers’ Compensation During the Healing Period

If a work-related accident or sickness results in a temporary total disability, payments should start on the first day of the disability. This is until:

  1. They get back to work.

  2. They can go back to a substantially similar job.

  3. Doctors foresee considerable progress in what the law refers to as a healing period.

Workers often get weekly benefits calculated with 80% of their weekly spendable income throughout the healing period, up to a maximum amount permitted by law.

Victims should get medical attention to treat their injuries. Although one should never compromise on your medical care, your employer has the freedom to choose your medical provider. You should ask for a different provider if you are dissatisfied with the care you are receiving. Your request might occasionally be granted by your employer or your employer's insurance provider. However, you can submit a petition for alternative medical care to the Iowa Workers' Compensation Commissioner if they don't agree. For more help or information about your request, it is also smart to contact a Des Moines workers compensation lawyer.

Workers’ Comp For Specific Injuries

Workers’ Compensation for Specific Permanent Injuries

You may be paid for your permanent partial impairment after your condition has improved to its fullest extent. The level of your damage or the percentage of your impairment must be evaluated following the American Medical Association's recommendations for the evaluation of permanent impairment before your temporary total disability benefits may be computed.

Your compensation will be computed based on 80% of your weekly spendable income, subject to the minimum and maximum amounts permitted by law and will depend on the proportion of impairment to a particular body part.

If you lose a body part completely, you may be eligible for temporary total disability benefits for the following number of weeks, depending on the body part affected. In this sense, "loss" refers to functional loss rather than physical amputation. You may be entitled to compensation for the following under Iowa workers' compensation law:

  • Loss of thumb – 60 weeks

  • Loss of the first finger – 35 weeks

  • Loss of the second finger – 30 weeks

  • Loss of the third finger – 25 weeks

  • Loss of the fourth finger – 20 weeks

  • Loss of hand – 190 weeks

  • Loss of arm – 250 weeks

  • Loss of shoulder – 400 weeks

  • Loss of big toe (great toe) – 40 weeks

  • Loss of any other toe – 15 weeks

  • Loss of foot – 150 weeks

  • Loss of leg – 220 weeks

  • Loss of eye – 140 weeks

  • Loss of eye if the other eye was previously lost – 200 weeks

  • Loss of hearing in one ear – 50 weeks

  • Loss of hearing in both ears – 175 weeks

  • Permanent disfigurement of the face or head – 150 weeks

  • Body as a whole – 500 weeks

Your weeks of remuneration will be reduced if the extent of your permanent handicap is less than a 100% loss; for instance, you might be eligible for 50 weeks of temporary total disability benefits if you lose all hearing in one ear. However, you may be eligible for 25 weeks of benefits if you lose 50% of your hearing in one ear.

Call an Iowa Workers’ Compensation Lawyer to Protect Your Rights

Although Iowa law clearly outlines your rights to compensation if a workplace accident results in a permanent injury, this does not automatically mean that your employer's workers' compensation insurance provider will begin providing you with all of the benefits you are entitled to. To defend your rights, you sometimes need to engage in conflict.

Allow our skilled Iowa workers' compensation attorneys to advocate for you. Insurance providers are frequently open to negotiating with us since they know we mean business. Until you receive equitable treatment, we won't give up the struggle. Call Tom Fowler Law at (515) 203-8434 right now to schedule a free, private consultation about your legal options and to learn more about how we might be able to assist you.

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